Monday, June 2, 2008

Bad Woman

This here is a skull that's part of the collection of a certain Ivy League university in New York City (not naming names, of course). Rest assured, this is a real skull and not a cast. The words "Bad Woman" are written across the top (along with, unfortunately, now-unreadable text). Who was this woman? Who knows. Maybe she was a thief, a prostitute, mentally ill, diseased, or just poor. Or intelligent. Or stubborn. Or all of the above. For whatever reason, her skull was deemed worthy of preservation and thusly labeled.

Keep in mind that the aforenotmentioned University only became co-ed in 1983, so she probably gained "admittance" before the rest of us. (I don't know when she joined their collection).

Examples such as this make me glad that, as misogynistic as the world still is, I'm alive now and no one will write "Bad Woman" on my skull once I've passed away. Unless I say so, dammit.

If being intelligent and stubborn equals a Bad Woman, then the writing's already there.

*Many thanks to Amanda for taking this shot for me*

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